Louvado seja Deus, Pai do nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Ele, pela sua grande misericórdia, nos fez nascer de novo.

Bíblia Tenente Hipergigante com Harpa e Índice Lateral | Rosa

R$ 125,60
descrição do produto

B1210 Measures 14x21,5x4cm.

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Holy Bible translation João Ferreira de Almeida, version Almeida Revista E Corrigida (ARC). Flexible cover in PU Luxury, in color Pink. Contains index on the side. Accompany the praises of the Christian Harp. It has 1535 pages, plus the pages of Harp. The words of Jesus are highlighted. Complete Bible with Old and New Testaments.


Translation: João Ferreira de Almeida

Version: Almeida Revista and Corrected ARC

Language: Portuguese

Bordering: Yellow

Flexible Cover in PU Luxury, color Pink

Measures: 14x21,5cm

1,535 pages + Harp

Porte Grande

1st Edition

Letter Hypergiant

With Christian Harp

With Side Index


Hypergiant letter, easy to read

Avivada Christian Harp and Corinhos

With Index on Side

With Thematic Outline Index

Summary of Books

Words of Jesus in Highlight


The Holy Bible based on the translation by João Ferreira de Almeida, Almeida Revista E Corrigida (ARC), which is considered one of the most traditional and reliable translations of the Bible in Portuguese.In addition, it is accompanied by the Christian Avivada Harp and Corinhos, which is a collection of hymns and songs, this selection of hymns is very popular and widely used, in religious services and celebrations in Christian churches. The difference of this Holy Bible is that it has hypergiant letter, An enlarged font size, which makes reading easier and more comfortable. Ideal for those who want to immerse themselves in reading God's Word. With Index on the Side, this allows a quick location of a book or Bible passage, is useful for those who use the Bible frequently, the side indexes have black colors in the books of the Old Testament and red colors in the New Testament, more agility in finding the verses; Has the pattern index on the first few pages. This Bible is complete, with division of the Old and New Testament, being the Old Testament, which tells the story of the Hebrew people from the creation of the world to the conquest of the promised land, and New Testament, which relates the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, Beyond the development of the early Christian church. As a feature of this Bible, the Words of Jesus are featured in the New Testament.

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